A New Edition of a Popular Book on Education Law– ”Myndighetsutövning i skolan”
Schools & public sector, News - 2024-12-20
The firm's founders and senior partners, Fredrik Engström and Peter Hellman, have long collaborated on writing legal literature. The latest edition of "Exercise of Public Authority in Schools" has now been published by Norstedts Juridik.
”Myndighetsutövning i skolan” provides readers with a clear overview of the administrative law principles and regulations applicable within the education sector. The second edition has been updated to reflect the new conditions in schools following the introduction of both a revised Administrative Procedure Act and a new Local Government Act.
The book addresses topics such as the decision-making authority of school authorities, principals, and school staff, the legal framework for case management and appeals, as well as issues related to supervision duties, codes of conduct, and various forms of disciplinary measures involving students. It also offers an extensive review of case law in these areas. Furthermore, the book includes dedicated chapters on grading and assessment, support and assistance for students, and extracurricular activities within schools.

The book is a valuable resource for the daily work of school leaders and teachers, designed to serve both as a reference guide for those interested in school law and as educational material in teacher and principal training programs.